Olof Sundin will be giving a talk about information and digital health literacy: Why do we choose the Internet instead of the doctor next door? , Thu 2 June 2022 15:00 – 16:00. Arranged by the Health and welfare technology research group at Mälardalen University. Sign up by following this link: https://mdh.mira.se/Events/1817/Apply
Webinar program
I. Information and digital health literacy: Why do we choose the Internet instead of the doctor next door?
II. Citizen engagement: How citizens can be effectively engaged in digitalization? Learnings from the Scottish Dig Citizen delivery plan?
III. Accessible digital infrastructure for citizen engagement: What role can private Sector play in order to realize the true benefits of digitalization?
Olof Sundin, Professor of Information Studies and Vice-dean Humanities & Theology, Lund University, Sweden.
Nessa Barry, International Engagement Manager, International Engagement Team, Technology Enabled Care and Digital Healthcare Innovation, Scotland.
Jessica Kumbier, Google Cloud, Account Manager for Swedish Health Care.
Anna Broms, Google Cloud Customer Engineer, Government – Nordics.
Moderator: Professor Sarah Wamala Andersson