Health in times of crisis – access, grey markets and vulnerability. On May 23, we are hosting a symposium that adresses different aspects of how the Covid-19 pandemic has affected societies. The symposium is supported by the LMK Foundation and the Marcus and Amalia Wallenberg Foundation. See attached for pdf for further information.

Olof Sundin is co-author of the book Paradoxes of Media and Information Literacy – The Crisis of Information, published April 13 2022. The book contributes to ongoing conversations about control of knowledge and different ways of knowing. It does so by analysing why media and information literacy (MIL) is proposed as a solution for addressing the current information crisis. The book is published by Routledge and more information can be found here:

“Her research concerns our deepest fears”, April 7 2022. Susanne Lundin is interviewed in the Lund University Magazine (LUM) about her ongoing and previous research.

What can we learn from the pandemic? Susanne Lundin is co-author of a Swedish report regarding Covid-19, published by the The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. The full report, published November 30 2021, is written in Swedish and can be read here:

Olof Sundin is interviewed in the regional newspaper HD concerning the spread of conspiracy theories relating to the Covid-19 vaccines . September 11, 2021. The article discusses potential reasons for the spread of conspiracy theories. One potential reason being a lack of trust in government authorities. The article is behind paywall and can be located here:

How Do We Prioritize Needs Before “Needaches” in an Unequal World? May 18, 2021. Susanne Lundin is co-author of a blog post that adresses global health ineaqualities in light of the Covid-19 pandemic. The blog post in its entirety can be found here:

Access to Covid Protection Among the Swedish Public—Who Has It and What They Get: Lessons Learned from Ongoing Research. A blog post by Rui Liu and Susanne Lundin et al, April 27, 2021. The blog post in its entirety can be found here:

Susanne Lundin is co-author of an opinion piece that adresses the spread of falsified medicines against Covid-19, April 16, 2021. The opinion piece also suggests recommendations on how government agencies may counteract this development. The opinion piece is behind paywall and can be located here: