Why do we choose the Internet instead of the doctor next door?

The Internet as a site for medicines in grey zones.

An award-winning book by Olof Sundin and Jutta Haider

Olof Sundin has, together with Jutta Haider, been awarded “The Golden Magnifying Glass” school prize. The prize has been awarded since 2017 to individuals, initiatives or organisations that have made outstanding contributions to source criticism and critical thinking on the net. The prize is awarded by the Internet Foundation and Källkritikbyrån in connection with The day of source criticism, 13 March, every year.

“In their book Paradoxes of Media and Information Literacy: The Crisis of Information, they show how evaluation of online sources needs to be constantly renegotiated as part of media and information literacy in a digital information society. By raising a number of different dilemmas, they provide valuable insights for a forward-looking digital source criticism and strengthened digital literacy.”

An Open Access version of the book is available here.

March 17, 2023

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